Experience the benefits of Magic Glow Pedi Gel Scrub formulated with natural extracts. It exfoliates and hydrate skin preventing calluses and making skin soft and smooth. جرب فوائد مقشر جل...
Sharp blades with a curved tip to allow for precise control, sharp points to make cuts easy.
شفرات حادة برأس منحني للسماح بالتحكم الدقيق ونقاط حادة لتسهيل عمليات القطع.
HIGHLIGHTS: A most common tools for manicure & pedicure. A handy little nail art tool to buff and shape up uneven nail surface before UV gel and acrylic application. Can...
NATURAL NAIL TIPS: Designed with natural color, our false nails tips are easy to file, paint, and apply. Once painted with the right glue or decorated with colorful decorations, they...
HIGHLIGHT: Helps your feet relax and will leave your feet softer and smoother after as well. Helps lighten the skin and kill off any unwanted smells, too. تسليط الضوء:يساعد قدميك...
HIGHLIGHT: Helps your feet relax and will leave your feet softer and smoother after as well. Helps lighten the skin and kill off any unwanted smells, too. تسليط الضوء:يساعد قدميك...
experience the benefit foot and body mask. Formulated with natural extracts. Relaxed your feet and extract. تجربة استخدام قناع القدم والجسم. يتكون من مستخلصات طبيعية. أرخى قدميك واستخلصهما. HIGHLIGHTS: Fresh...
Experience the benefits of Magic Glow Pedi Gel Scrub formulated with natural extracts. It exfoliates and hydrate skin preventing calluses and making skin soft and smooth. جرب فوائد مقشر جل...
Nail Guard is used on colored nails, to give them a beautiful shine and protect it from breakage. يستخدم نيل جارد على الأظافر الملونة ، لمنحها لمعاناً جميلاً وحمايتها من...
Highlights Delivers a mild fragrance that renders a refreshing feel Exfoliates and soften the skin removing dead skin cells to reveal brighter new skin. Accelerates facial rejuvenation and provides a...
Globalstar acrylic natural nail extension is a fake nail are easy to trim, paint and apply and nice holding the color without separating or streaking. Pairing up paint and colorful...
Globalstar acrylic natural nail extension is a fake nail are easy to trim, paint and apply and nice holding the color without separating or streaking. Pairing up paint and colorful...
Globalstar acrylic natural nail extension is a fake nail are easy to trim, paint and apply and nice holding the color without separating or streaking. Pairing up paint and colorful...
HIGHLIGHTS: Fit well to your natural nails. Non toxic, No smell, No harm to your health. Can chop/cut to the style you like These acrylic natural nail tips are great...
HIGHLIGHTS: Fit well to your natural nails. Non toxic, No smell, No harm to your health. Can chop/cut to the style you like These acrylic natural nail tips are great...
Instant Nail Polish Remover.
Natural Scent.
Professional Formula with Vitamin E.
مزيل طلاء الأظافر الفوري.
رائحة طبيعية.
تركيبة احترافية بفيتامين هـ.
HIGHLIGHTS: For clean, deodorize Moisture & sanitize feet Best use for Foot Spa or Pedicure Procedure لتنظيف وإزالة الروائح الكريهة ترطيب وتعقيم القدمين أفضل استخدام للقدم سبا أو إجراء باديكير...
Made of good quality stainless steel, sturdy enough and not easy to rust
مصنوع من الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ عالي الجودة ، قوي بدرجة كافية وليس من السهل الصدأ
Trendy Professional Design Nail Files work quickly, trim or shape acrylic nails with the desired shape or length. They are also perfect for removing the nail gel on your nails. They...
Plastic foot scrub has two sides. Both sides can be used. Removes dead skin. Smooth's rough feet instantly. Designed with an ergonomic handle for easy use. مقشر القدم البلاستيكي له...
The Sponge Toe Separator Set by Global Star helps and facilitates the process of applying nail polish in a distinct and tidy way. تساعد مجموعة فاصل اصبع القدم الاسفنجية من...
The Sponge Toe Separator Set by Global Star helps and facilitates the process of applying nail polish in a distinct and tidy way. تساعد مجموعة فاصل اصبع القدم الاسفنجية من...
HIGHLIGHTS: Details: These pedicure slippers are durable, disposable, and inexpensive. An economical choice for professional pedicure work. Adult size slippers. Available colors: Yellow, white, green, orange and pink (Kindly check...
Carefully formulated with fast action formula enriched with vitamin E oil. Contains antioxidants that protect your nails and turn their color from yellow to healthy. تمت صياغته بعناية بتركيبة سريعة...
Carefully formulated with fast action formula enriched with vitamin E oil. Contains antioxidants that protect your nails and turn their color from yellow to healthy. تمت صياغته بعناية بتركيبة سريعة...
Nail Guard is used on colored nails, to give them a beautiful shine and protect it from breakage. يستخدم نيل جارد على الأظافر الملونة ، لمنحها لمعاناً جميلاً وحمايتها من...
Nail Guard is used on colored nails, to give them a beautiful shine and protect it from breakage. يستخدم نيل جارد على الأظافر الملونة ، لمنحها لمعاناً جميلاً وحمايتها من...
HIGHLIGHTS: Help your feet to relax Leave your feet softer, smoother Lighten the skin Kill any unwanted smells too ساعد قدميك على الاسترخاء اترك قدميك أكثر نعومة ونعومة تفتيح البشرة...
HIGHLIGHTS: Help your feet to relax Leave your feet softer, smoother Lighten the skin Kill any unwanted smells too ساعد قدميك على الاسترخاء اترك قدميك أكثر نعومة ونعومة تفتيح البشرة...
Formula enriched with vitamin E oil Protect your nails Turns its Color from yellow to healthy تركيبة غنية بزيت فيتامين ي احم أظافرك يتحول لونه من الأصفر إلى الصحي Warning:...
HIGHLIGHTS: Formula enriched with vitamin E oil Protect your nails Turns its Color from yellow to healthy تركيبة غنية بزيت فيتامين ي احم أظافرك يتحول لونه من الأصفر إلى الصحي...
Formula enriched with vitamin E oil Protect your nails Turns its Color from yellow to healthy تركيبة غنية بزيت فيتامين ي احم أظافرك يتحول لونه من الأصفر إلى الصحي Warning:...