Make the skin glow by removing dead skin cells, surface stains. it offers stimulation polish leaving it feeling soft, smooth, radiant. it is rich in useful minerals for the skin, deeply cleanses pores, removes dirty and harmful fats. it also helps lighten skin with natural extracts.
اجعل الجلد يتوهج عن طريق إزالة خلايا الجلد الميتة والبقع السطحية. إنه يوفر ملمعًا تحفيزيًا يجعله يشعر بالنعومة والنعومة والإشراق. غني بالمعادن المفيدة للبشرة ، ينظف المسام بعمق ويزيل الدهون المتسخة والضارة. كما أنه يساعد على تفتيح البشرة بالمستخلصات الطبيعية.
Vitamin E Whitening Beauty Cream Magic Glow Helpful to reduce dark circles resulting in even skin tone Improve the appearance of pigmentation marks and reduce face puffiness Stimulates skin renewal...
Rich in vitamins Keep the skin hydrated all the day Removes impurities to reveal smoother and silkier skin Clearing out blocked pores Protecting shield against smoke, sun, and free radicals...
Magic Glow mud mask combines the purifying benefits of mud with the convenience of a sheet mask. It helps purify pores and control excess oil production to reduce breakouts and...
Highlights: Gently exfoliate the skin and make the skin glow by removing dead skin cells Offers a stimulating polish leaving it feeling soft, smooth and radiant Formulas use effective, natural...
Gently exfoliate skin made with natural ingredients. Make the skin glow by removing dead skin cells and surface toxins. It offers stimulating polis, leaving it feeling soft, smooth and radiant....
HIGHLIGHTS: Exfoliating Scrub With Aloe Vera & Vitamin E Contains Real Sweet Milk Face & Body Care Formulated in USA يسلط الضوء: التقشير فرك مع الصبار وفيتامين هـ يحتوي على...
Rich in vitamins Keep the skin hydrated all the day Removes impurities to reveal smoother and silkier skin Clearing out blocked pores Protecting shield against smoke, sun, and free radicals...
Tina Cosmo Face Scrub Clean & Exfoliate Gold 300ml