HIGHLIGHTS: intensive care complete hair recovery moisturize repair مغذي للشعر يغذي الشعر بعمق يرطب الشعر ويجعله لامعاً يصلح تم تطويره لمعالجة الشعر المصبوغ و التالف Warning: Avoid contact with ayes...
Vita Spring newest keratin color protective system engineered to care for keratin treated, colored & natural hair, repairing damages caused by chemicals and the environment. Carefully formulated with unique natural...
HIGHLIGHTS: Hair Repair Moisturize dry Hair Ideally used for hair extensions Acts as barriers against Heat. Adds luster to color-treated Hair يسلط الضوء: اصلاح الشعر رطب الشعر الجاف تستخدم بشكل...
HIGHLIGHTS: enriched with Protein Extract to soothe dry and damaged hair with nourishing properties soothes your dry scalp غني بمستخلص البروتين لتهدئة الشعر الجاف والتالف بخصائص مغذية يلطف فروة رأسك الجافة DIRECTION:...